Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Old Book, New Book #26: Catching Fire -> Mockingjay


Well, I was correct in thinking that Catching Fire would be a quick read. :) And I actually started reading it a few days ago. Not just yesterday when I posted it to the blog. Anyway, it was an interesting sequel in that it has many of the same elements of the first book, repeated but with some variation. Still held my interest though, and I was interested to see how things turned out.

And now I'm continuing on to the 3rd and final book in the series, "Mockingjay". I've been hearing about these books for a couple years now and kind of thought it would be nice to wait until all 3 of the books were out and available before I started reading them so that I could finish them quickly and not be stuck waiting around. So I guess I'm glad that Natalie waited until they were all out before getting me the first one for my birthday.

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