Thursday, September 08, 2011

Semi-Annual Health Update

Before I get around to telling you all about my most recent vacations, I need to give an update on my health and well-being.  As long-time readers may know, I go to the doctor twice a year for follow-up on my Type II diabetes.  I get my blood drawn a couple days beforehand and through the miracle of modern technology I usually see my lab results before my doctor ever does.  And like last September, my scores were up (up being the opposite direction of where I want them to go) over my scores in March.  Cholesterol up a bit, HbA1c up a considerable amount (6.1 after a couples years of sub-6.0, still well below where I need to be worried, though).  Oh, and my weight is up a bit, too. So that's fun. :)  Mostly I blame it on not having cared much about my diet this summer.  I do check my weight regularly and have known for a while that it's been higher than it used to be. Just been hard with all the traveling and playing to get into a consistent pattern of eating healthy in a while.

In any case, I'm always nervous going into my appointments when I know that I've regressed since the last one. But, all my nervousness was for naught. My doctor was still very positive. Noted my higher scores and said they were still pretty good, nothing to worry about. No new meds or anything.  Still said I'm "the easiest diabetic patient he has".  Oh, and my blood pressure is still really good (116/70), so I've got that going for me. :)

Anyway, happy that I haven't vacationed my way into too much trouble, and glad to have a little kick in the butt to get back to watching what I eat more carefully.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Glad to hear things are pretty good--healthwise. You get the low blood pressure from my side of the family.:)