We got up reasonably early on Saturday morning (I woke up when the sun came blazing in the window directly on to my face.) and headed out for breakfast at a place called "The Egg and I" that was pretty good, and then drove out to Sand Hollow for our annual swimming and cliff jumping excursion. I didn't cliff jump the first year, and last year I only went twice I think. This year, I jumped 4 or 5 times and in the process managed to upset my sinuses. Probably something with the pressure changes. In any case, that's an ongoing situation, but Sinex is helping me stay on top of it. In addition to cliff jumping, we also swam for a while. The water was plenty warm and great for just staying cool in 100+ degree weather.

I'm in the middle
Eventually we tired of swimming and headed back into town. We enjoyed a relaxing afternoon of 30 Rock episodes and then headed to dinner at Pancho and Lefty's (also a tradition). We still had a few hours before Tuacahn, so we played games for a bit back at the condo and then headed over to see "Grease". They're also doing "The Little Mermaid" this summer, but not on a night that worked for us.

Waiting for the show to start
Having never seen all of the film version of Grease, there were a few parts that were new to me, and it felt like maybe a few things got left out either for family friendly-fication or just for time or something. Sometimes things just seemed to happen without any real motivation for them. One time a character was singing a song, and at the very end, someone brought her a dog to hold. She held it only long enough to carry it back to the person who had handed it to her who immediately carried it back offstage. Not sure what that was about.
The legendary July heat at Tuacahn seemed a little more mild this year and I didn't particularly notice any sweat dripping down the back of knees the way I have in years past. Of the 3 shows we've seen there, I would rank this one #2, ahead of Tarzan, but behind Footloose.
Sunday, we got up and went to a nearby church for sacrament meeting, and then came back to the condo, where I laid around most of the day. My sinuses were bugging me pretty bad, so I got someone to drive me to a store where I could pick up some meds, but otherwise, I didn't leave the condo until we finally went out for dinner (we bought groceries on Saturday for a bbq lunch). Some of my lazy activities included games, a movie, a book, a puzzle, and some serious naptime. Sometimes I really like a nice lazy day when I'm on vacation.
Monday morning, we got up, cleaned up the condo, got breakfast at Bear Paw (yet another tradition), and hit the road. Got back to Salt Lake around 2:30, so it was nice to have a little more vacation time to just relax at home.

Picture with a local celeb after breakfast
Oh, and I did take my camera with me, but just didn't really take any photos. The photos here are courtesy of various other people.