Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Old Book, New Book #2

Just finished up "Armageddon's Children" and started right into the next book in the trilogy, "Elves of Cintra". I have to say that I enjoyed the first book, and suspect I will enjoy the next one.

Here's my beef with Terry Brooks though. There was a time when his books were fully contained stories and came in around 500 pages or so. Then at some point, maybe starting with the Knight of the Word trilogy or maybe a little bit after that, he started writing "trilogies" that felt more like single books broken up into three parts, and started putting out one book of the series every year and ending them with cliffhanger endings. Its so much this way, that once the entire "trilogy" is finished they the put out an edition with all three in one book. Is that really a "trilogy"? I submit that it is not. Which just feels a little bit lazy for some reason. I don't know if he's trying to milk each book for three rounds of paychecks or what, but it also means that if you like a story, you have to wait until the next book comes out to find out how it ends. What is this, Lost?

Anyway, I feel glad that I didn't start reading this current "Trilogy" until now, because at least the first two books are out and the third one comes out this fall. Honestly, though, am I supposed to care enough about these characters to remember exactly what was going on in the last book a year ago, to pick up the next book and jump right in?

Anyway, I'm just griping and I do still like the stories. I just wouldn't rank them up there with the original Shanarra series or even the Heritage of Shannara series.

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