Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Watch This Wednesday #2: Moon Child!

If you grew up in the 80s you've probably seen The Neverending Story, and if you're like me, you could never figure out what the heck Bastien yells out the window at the end, when he has to give the empress a new name. Well thanks to the Internet, I was able to find out that supposedly he yells "Moon Child", although in my memory it was pretty much an unintelligible scream. Well I found the clip, and I'm posting it here, and you can see for yourself, that "Moon Child" actually does sound like what he yells, although why Bastien's mother was named Moon Child, that I can't answer.

Also, as a bonus Watch This, I'm including one of my favorite parts of the movie, which I'll simply call, "They look like big...good...strong...hands...don't they?"


CJ said...

That movie always, always creeped me out.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I ever understood that movie but I loved the big flying dog....falcor?

j said...

Falcor is his name, but he's actually a "luck dragon", not a dog.

George said...

Truly a mystery solved - Moon Child.

Adrianna said...

1. That movie always creeped me out too. Especially the part with the sphinxes and the lasers and the running. Ew.

2. My friends have a dog that looks exactly like a black version of Falcor.

3. WTF? Moon child? I'm grateful to know what he's saying (always, always wondered), but seriously...moon child???

IRockButImSad said...

If you look up the script (which I did because I have awesome factor +6) it literally says MOONCHILD. Crazy weird!

finky the kid said...

For years I thought it was an unintelligble scream meant to be a mystery. But later on I made the same discovery as you j. Bastien's mom was a hippy chick, thus the name.