While I was in Hawaii, I finished off "The Devil in the White City". It turned out to be a pretty interesting account of both the Chicago World Expo and of the serial killer who was living near the fair and his eventual capture. It made me sad to find out that most of the amazing architecture built specifically for the fair burned not long after. Definitely seemed like a beautiful place. And the birthplace of the ferris wheel. Who knew? Anyone, I liked this book and would recommend it to others.
Assuming that I would probably finish "The Devil in the White City" while I was in Hawaii, I wisely through another book in my bag, "The Book Thief". I honestly knew nothing about this book going in, just that it was recommended to me by several friends. The description on the back made it clear that this was a "Holocaust" book, or at least a book that took place in Germany during that era. I've read a few of these in my time ("The Hiding Place", "The Devil's Arithmetic", "Number the Stars") and I wondered if this would be similar to those or not. I'll save the answer to that for when I've finished. Stay tuned!

Jake,I just finished The Book Thief and loved it! Very sad though. I finished the book on the airplane...and wept.
Hey Heather! I just finished it myself on Saturday. And yes I did get a little choked up myself, though some of that may have been due to some other things I had going on at the time. :)
This iss a great blog
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