Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A little too ironic...and yeah I really do think

Had a random thought in the shower this morning...if liberals are so sold on evolution, isn't it a little ironic that they are the ones most in favor of government intervention/regulation/etc? Evolution seems like the biological equivalent of a free market, or I guess maybe that's natural selection I'm talking about, but still. How do the United Steelworkers feel about that? Was Mother Nature passing out foodstamps to the dinosaurs? I'm sure there are some subtleties that I am missing (I guess believing in evolution doesn't necessarily make you a proponent of it), but on the surface it was an interesting thought.


ju said...

i am definitely scratching my head right now.

CJ said...

Ah, but this is a persistent theme in modern-day American politics. Neither of the major political parties or ideologies has a consistent view of government's ability to successfully intervene in markets and morals, or of the propriety of even attempts at such. Both parties are on on side of economic issues and the other when it comes ot personal morality. That's why I'm a Libertarian. :)

j said...

Would my monthly stipend check preclude me from joining the Libertarians? :)

Have you read any of John Stossel's books? Good anti-regulation stuff.

CJ said...

Nope, come join the party. You have to be in favor of laissez-faire morality policies for the most part, though...