Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Summer of Productivity Weekly Update #1

Hello again,

As I stated last week, this has now officially become the summer of productivity here in Big Digital-land. Its now been a week since I set some goals and parameters to guide me through the summer. And we'll call this week the "Proof of Concept" week, i.e. while the last week was far from perfect, I did prove to myself that it can be done. A large part of this past week's lack of productivity will be credited to the holiday weekend (my schedule only applies on weekdays), and yesterday's post-holiday ramp-up. On the positive side, I did get up at 7:30 3 days last week (4 if you count Sunday when I was at the church by 7:30), and was in bed by 11:30 or midnight nearly every night.

Just yesterday I made myself a spreadsheet on which I could track my compliance, so look forward to more quantitave data and perhaps even some statistical analysis further down the road (I have to put my prestigious education to use somehow, right?).

And don't worry, there's still 4 more cartoons left in the countdown along with some honorable mentions I need to get out before the countdown is done.

1 comment:

j said...

Making the schedule is only half the battle as GI Joe would say. Don't congratulate me until we start to look at the actual numbers next week. And even my schedule could use some revision, but its hard to get things perfect on the first try. I suspect I'll have some adjustments to make soon.

As far as there being so little time...right now my problem seems to be one of having too much time, or rather not using enough time productively. If I was busy all the time I probably would already have a schedule that I'd be sticking to.