Basically, you've got the Justice League of America (Good thing America is always there to save the world and even the universe at times. You can't tell me the UN could put together a team like this.) consisting primarily of:
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
Apache Chief
Black Vulcan

They are based out of the Hall of Justice

Their enemies go by the name of the Legion of Doom and include such baddies as:
Lex Luthor
The Riddler
The Toyman
Black Manta
Captain Cold
Solomon Grundy

They hole up in a little place that looks like this:

While logic might imply that someone like Superman would be sufficient to handle any number of bad guys, but luckily logic doesn't need to enter into the argument when cartoons are in the mix. Each episode allows different superheros and supervillains to take center stage and often allows them to team up with exciting results.
The lists above do not include some heroes who also appeared in some of the other seasons. I remember the Atom, Green Arrow, and some kind of girl that hung out with Green Arrow. A large number of these comic book heroes (and villains) I would probably have never heard of if not for this show. It allowed these lesser known supes to get their day in the sun, while drawing in those of us who'd never heard of the get to them know them along with folks we'd already heard of before.
Here's the updated countdown:
#10: Underdog
#9: Thundercats
#8: G.I. Joe
#7: Superfriends
Apparently I didn't watch enough toons as a kid. I don't recognize any of these!!
Apparently not. And I'm sorry to say that there will be no appearance of "girly" cartoons like My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, and the like, except perhaps all together in one honorable mention.
I didn't watch those either. Does Care Bears count as girly? Did they even have a cartoon? Right now all I can distinctly remember watching is Smurfs. I hope they make it. Smurfs and Tom and Jerry.
There's something inside of me that says put Care Bears down in the girly category, but another part of me that enjoys singing the Forest of Feelings song too much to make it exclusively a girly cartoon.
As for the others I can neither confirm nor deny their appearance in the countdown.
i you are as big a geek as me, which i find unlikely, then you would love the modern version of superfriends, Justice League Unlimited on Cartoon Network. Its got all these dudes, and MORE. but alas, no wonder twins.
If Voltron is not number 1 I'll be disappointed. SOrry if this steals your thunder and/or surprise. In fact I'll predict the next 6.
6 Smurfs
3 He-Man
1 Voltron
Well I couldn't fill in the blanks but those are my predictions
While I can neither confirm nor deny any of the future entries on the countdown, I can safely say that this prediction has not stolen any of my thunder/surprise.
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