Friday, July 11, 2008

Old Book, Old Book #6: The Road

Don't worry, I haven't given up on good old GEB yet. I actually am down to the last 50 pages, but as I only read it when I'm eating alone (books make for great conversation around the table) or in random moments, it may still take me to the end of this week to finish it off for good. Anyway, this week I took a short trip to DC and wanted something to read on the plane, but didn't start planning for my trip until the night before which was a Sunday. Which meant the library was closed. So I splurged and actually purchased a book. I'd heard good things about "The Road" on the Slate Political Gabfest podcast a few months back and figured I'd check it out on my flight. It was written by Cormac McCarthy who also wrote "No Country for Old Men", which was turned into last year's Oscar winning best picture by the Coen brothers.

I have to say it was interesting. Set in a post-apocalyptic US, its the story of a man and his son (no names ever mentioned) walking on "The Road" and heading somewhere. The style of writing was also pretty interesting. No chapters. No quotation marks. Some of the dialogue sections were a little tricky to follow because it never says who said what usually. Or else it says "he", which doesn't clarify very well when you're reading about a man and a boy. Lots of hope and despair. Its a pretty tender book, and I suspect that if I had kids I'd relate even better. Not sure I'd label it as a personal favorite, but it was good, and I was able to knock it out between two four hour flights.

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