Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My trip to Europe - Day 8

Day 8 - Goooooooooooooooal!!!!!!

The 8th day of my European adventure stared much the same as the rest, with some bread and ham and cheese.

After breakfast, we once again headed over to UMIT for some classroom time. We started the day with a presentation discussing what exactly is Informatics and what should be included in the curriculum of Informatics programs. After some class time, they split us up into our student work groups to discuss in our smaller groups what we thought. I won't bore you with the details here, but it was, for me, an interesting discussion.

Leading a Group Discussion
Leading our Group Discussion

I think we had another guest lecture either before or after lunch, this one I think looking at some imaging techniques. This was followed by more time for our group to work on our presentation for the last day. We finalized our powerpoint slides and kind of ran through things for Jon who was "coaching" our group.

Looking up at the Alps
Looking up at the Hinterhornalm. There's a clearing up on the mountain if you look closely.

After our group work was finished, there was some free time, and Lukas, one of the UMIT students had invited anyone who wanted to come play some football (soccer) at the field in back of the Leopoldinum. By the time I got dressed to play, there was one team of German speaking students (Germans and Austrians) and another of non-Germans. Somehow, I was put on the German team and for quite a while we dominated. We won the first game to 7 by a score of 7-1. Then in the next game, we lost a close one, after losing one of our star players, Thomas Wetter.

Finally, in the rubber match, there was some debate over what we were playing to. Originally it was agreed that we'd just play a quick game to 3, but after we quickly scored 3, the other team wanted to play to 5, and they were able to come back and get to 5 before us, although one of their goals was scored in the period in which we were assuming the game was already over. Either way, it was fun, and I was able to even score a couple goals.

Guilherme - Soccer
Guilherme warming up, while waiting for someone to let us into our room.

Thomas Wetter - Soccer
Thomas Wetter, perhaps the star of our team.

After the game, we headed down to Old Town in Hall and had a very nice dinner at a restaurant called the Goldener Lowe (Golden Lion), where I had kind of a bacon-wrapped steak, along with some potatoes. After we finished up our dinner, Spencer and I headed back to the ParkHotel for some end of the evening web browsing, and that was the end of the day.

Pictures from Day 8.

Coming next: A Rainy Day in Innsbruck

So far:
Days 1 & 2 - Exploring Munich
Day 3 - Mass Transit Extravaganza
Day 4 - Stop looking at me, schwan
Day 5 - Austria, eh? Throw another shrimp on the barby!
Day 6- The depths of Hall
Day 7 - I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!

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