Day 6 - Welcome to Hall
After a typical breakfast, Elske, the chair of the Austrian program that participates in this conference, guided us over to UMIT, the university hosting the conference. We spend the day's class time with presentations from each school, first telling a bit about their program and then 1 or 2 students from each school presenting some of their research briefly. There was a computer lab available during breaks where I could check my email, and wireless internet.

View from just outside the University (UMIT)
Lunch was in the Cafeterium just down the road, and was pork fillets with rice and gravy. There was one last of these presentation sessions after lunch, and then we had an hour before our guided tour of Hall.

Spencer Presenting

Guilherme Presenting
We met at the Rathaus (town hall) and had a welcome from the Burgermeister (mayor) himself.

Outside the Rathaus

The Burgermeister
After that, a tour guide took us around to some of the super old churches and to the old mint here in Hall, we were each got to make a coin with the UMIT logo on one side and an Austrian symbol on the other. Then some of us climbed the tower (lots of steps) to get a nice view of Hall.

The main cathedral in Hall.

A cool mural titled "The Day of Resurrection" found on the wall of the smallest church in Hall.

From the Mint Tower

More from the Mint Tower
After the tour was done, they took us over to the Knodelfest where numerous different kinds of Knodels (~dumplings) were available. They gave us each 5 tickets for dumplings and 2 drink tickets. The first two dumplings I got were so filling I then used two more on some dessert ones and still had one left that I didn't end up using, nor could I find someone who wanted to take it off my hands. Spencer went to the Neu Delhi tent and managed to spend all 5 of his tickets plus 1 Euro on a plate of food and some bread. Sucker!

Waiting for the Knodelfest

My first two knodels. The closer one has bacon and forget what else. The other has tomato and mozzarella.
After Knodeling it up, Spencer and I decided to go check out Innsbruck, so we found a bus stop and got down to Innsbruck which is much larger than Hall, but certainly not what I would call a major city. It has some nice looking resort/hotels up on the hill, but we ended up at the main station and just walked around from there for a couple hours without having a decent map of the town to guide us to sites of interest. In the end, we walked back to the station, and when it looked like it would be almost an hour to wait for the next bus, we took a taxi back home.

We found this arch in Innsbruck, but didn't know what it was. I still don't really know. But certainly it merited a photo.

The Inn River. Innsbruck means "Bridge on the River Inn".

I thought it was kind of cool to see a poster for The Used there, seeing as how they are a band from Utah.
Upon leaving, we'd left our room key with Guilherme because he wasn't going into Innsbruck. However, at this point he was nowhere to be found and after finding someone to let us into the Leopoldinum, we ended up sitting in some chairs for about an hour until he and Laritza and Thomas Wetter showed up. They'd just been at the Knodelfest until it closed up shop for the night.
More pictures from Day 6.
Coming next: Day 7 - In which we hike the alps
So far:
Days 1 & 2 - Exploring Munich
Day 3 - Mass Transit Extravaganza
Day 4 - Stop looking at me, schwan
Day 5 - Austria, eh? Throw another shrimp on the barby!
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