Saturday, June 24, 2006

Random Thoughts from I-15

I'm briefly back in town, having arrived late last night from family vacation to California, and I'll be leaving Monday for a brief academic trip to Nashville. Watch for pictures on Flickr and what not, but I thought I'd share some of the random musings I had during my 12 hour drive home.

-If gangs really want to be taken seriously, they should start graffiti-ing things other than mirrors and stalls in public restrooms. I mean seriously, when did this become the place to mark your territory?

-There's such a thing as an Old Navy outlet store. How do you get cheaper than regular Old Navy? Do the cargo pants come with dollar bills tucked into the pockets?

-When there's a big row of cars in the passing lane all going 10 under the speed limit, somewhere in the front of that row, there's someone with open road in front of them. What is that person thinking? Are they thinking? What's it like to be that person?

-I was impressed and pleased by the presence of dedicated slow lanes for trucks west of Vegas, but can't we go a step farther and create a special lefthand lane that you can't drive in unless you are doing at least 5 over the speed limit? I know that this is how the "fast" lane ought to work, but there are way too many people who think that they are too good for the "slow" lane, even though they aren't even approaching the speed limit. I think making it explicit would really help things along.

-How would I know where the Starbucks is in Baker, lady? I've been here for about 20 minutes, and all of them were spent in the Arbys I just walked out of.

-Diary Queen is pretty much the place to be in Scipio.

-I like to sleep with a cone of silence surrounding me. Some people seem to drive with a cone of blindness surrounding them.

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