Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine?

As you may or may not have heard, head astronomers today stripped Pluto of its planet status. Not sure what its status is now. What I'm really worried about is what mnemonic today's rising generation will use to learn the names of the planets. When I was growing up I learned the ever popular, "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas", which I actually once heard (and have forever since been unable to escape) a musical version of that changed Pizzas to Pizzapies, for rhythmic reasons. It seems creatively ignorant to just update the mnemonic by dropping the pizza at the end. So I'm going to suggest some new phrases that could help today's youth to become more familiar with things that are far off in space.


Many Virile Earth Men Just Sleep Under New Pillows

Monday Ve Eat Mangy Japanese Uber-Nasty Potatoes
Part of the new healthier school lunch movement (as described by the German foreign exchange student).

Me: Vegetables? Eeew Man! Junk! U: NP
Who said it had to be all one phrase? Or not use txt-msg slang?

My Venomous Earthworm May Jenerate Some Unseen New Poison
Kids today aren't the best spellers

Apparently its not as easy as it might seem. Anyone have any better ideas?

Update: I actually forgot to take the P off the end of the ones above, so now I will offer you some post-Pluto phrases


Motorized Vehicles Enter Military Junket Sans Ultra Nightvision
The nightvision being removed was one of the stipulations of the meeting.

Murder Victims Elicit Mercy; Jury Says, "Undead Non-eligible"
Much as we'd like to do something for them, we have a strict no zombie policy.

Marriage Vows Encourage Monogamy. Joint Suffering Undermines Nuptials.
Much as the vows say in sickness and in health, its a lot easier in health.

Mental Visions Evoke My Junior Season's Unprecedented Numbers.
And what a season it was.


ashley. said...

Ahhh, PLUTO! Go here ... ... and suggest your devices. (o:

Natalie Marie said...

Correction to your statement about Pizza Pies- When I was in elementary school we didn't say pizzapies because it was more mnemonic. We said Pizza Pies because scientists had discovered a planet out there,it's past Pluto, and has been called Planet X. So it was Pluto and then Planet-X. But I don't know what recent discoveries have been made about it.

j said...

I don't know why you think everything has to be about you, Natalie. :)

My statement is 100% accurate, and I went to elementary school 10 years before you. The video with the song in question made no mention of Planet-X. So, while I appreciate your input, no need to phrase it as a "correction", especially given that you don't even seem to know what happened to this Planet-X.